Did you know it's only 182 sleeps until
"Shhhhh ... You Know Who" comes to visit?"
That makes us doubly glad we started our Bah! Humbug! Challenges in January because it's meant we've had the option of applying plenty of T.L.C. to the hand crafted luvverlies intended for those special people in our lives, rather than having to settle for a Bish ... Bash ... Bosh creation.
Not that there's anything wrong with Bish ... Bash ... Bosh if that's what you like to do of course.
Talking of "Shhhhh ... You Know Who ..." brings us nicely into this week's challenge which is to create something involving
Father Christmas/Santa
You may indulge in whatever you choose when deciding how to portray the Great Man Himself.
If you lean towards a traditional, full robed vintage version with a flowing beard and lots of embellishments then that would be wonderful but if you prefer a more modern, quirky, cheeky-faced kind've chap to grace your cards, then go ahead. We are always delighted to see the huge variation in styles of creation each week and we learn so much from our participants. You are such a talented bunch.
Sadly this is the last week for our Guest Designer Claire. Every week Claire has stunned us with her talent and this week is no exception. Check out her vintage Father Christmas card. It's just awesome.
Thank you for all you have done Claire and I hope you'll continue to join in our challenges so that we can continue to admire your Christmas creations.
If you lean towards a traditional, full robed vintage version with a flowing beard and lots of embellishments then that would be wonderful but if you prefer a more modern, quirky, cheeky-faced kind've chap to grace your cards, then go ahead. We are always delighted to see the huge variation in styles of creation each week and we learn so much from our participants. You are such a talented bunch.
Sadly this is the last week for our Guest Designer Claire. Every week Claire has stunned us with her talent and this week is no exception. Check out her vintage Father Christmas card. It's just awesome.
Thank you for all you have done Claire and I hope you'll continue to join in our challenges so that we can continue to admire your Christmas creations.

Thursday 1st July 2010
You are free to create whatever you like ... it doesn't have to be a card ... in fact, show us as many different projects as you want to share.
Just remember ... have fun and don't forget to leave us a direct link to your project in our comment box so we can come and admire your creativity.
If you don't know how to leave a direct link then don't worry we will find you.
We prefer everyone to leave comments rather than have a Linky gadget on our challenge. It's so much nicer to get to know people and become friends as the weeks go by.
If you don't know how to leave a direct link then don't worry we will find you.
We prefer everyone to leave comments rather than have a Linky gadget on our challenge. It's so much nicer to get to know people and become friends as the weeks go by.
Ann, Irene, Max